Sunday, November 06, 2005

The Parable of the Ten Maidens or Virgins

First Sunday of the month is the family service at my Church. This is taken by lay members of the congregation as opposed to the clergy. The sermon was taken from Matthew 25:1-13 which is the parable of the ten maidens or virgins depending on which translation one uses. However, whatever version you use the challenge is still the same - are you ready for the return of Christ?

The preacher was encouraging us to be ready for His return and to make sure we are fully prepared. From a personal viewpoint I know it can be very easy to drift along as a Christian and forget about the return of Christ. We need to remain alert and to keep our focus on God each day. One of the best ways to do this is to ensure that we read our Bibles and pray daily. Spending time with God each day should be high on our priority list.

The service finished with "Shine Jesus, Shine" - and only lasted 35 minutes too!


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