Thursday, November 10, 2005

Spiritual Warfare

Last night at housegroups we continued our studies on "Angels" by looking at the subject of spiritual warfare. The passage we used as the basis of our study was Ephesians 6:10-20.

This particular section of scripture is very descriptive as Paul uses the example of a Roman soldier and his attire to illustrate his point. Everyone in Ephesus and the world of the early Church would have been very familar with the sight of a Roman soldier. In fact every time they saw a Roman soldier it would have been a reminder to them of this portion of scripture.

Every Christian whether they like it or not is involved in a spiritual battle. We cannot choose to avoid it. However, it can be easy to become unbalanced on spiritual warfare. Some Christians do not believe in a personal devil, whilst others see the devil hiding under every stone. Both positions are incorrect.

If you wish to grow as a Christian and to be used by God at some stage you will encounter spiritual opposition. This can come in varying forms. Much of Jesus' oppposition came from religious people. In fact religious people can still be a problem!

In Ephesians 6:11 and Ephesians 6:13 Paul states the importance of putting on the full armour of God. One of the dangers of not putting on the full armour and only putting some of it on is that we can leave ourself open to attack. The devil is a crafty enemy and he knows our weak points so it is very important that we wear the full armour and not give the devil a foothold.

Prayer is a very important weapon in our struggle. Both personal prayer and communal prayer. In Ephesians 6:19-20 Paul is not hesitant in asking his fellow Christian brothers and sisters to pray for him. He actually gives them specific prayer requests. It is very helpful to have someone with whom you can share your prayer requests. This might be a prayer partner or members of your housegroup. In the exact opposite way to which the world works in admitting your weakness you can find strength to continue through the prayers of the saints.

Whilst it is important not to underestimate the power of our enemy, don't forget that Jesus defeated on on the cross as Colossians 2:15 reminds us.


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