Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Good advice from 1 Peter 3

In the first part of this section of the chapter, Peter gives some good advice to both wives and husbands. In particular looking at this from the male perspective verse 7 is a challenge to all husbands. Peter instructs his male readers to "be considerate as you live with your wives" and to "treat them with respect." He then goes onto say "so that nothing will hinder your prayers." Could it be that one of the reasons that our prayers are not as effective as we wish is that we do not obey this instruction from Peter?

Whenever I read this chapter, I'm always aware how Peter instructs his readers to always be prepared and ready to tell others about their hope in Christ and to do this with gentleness and respect. Something that is not always easy to do. Sharing your faith is not always easy, but to do it with gentleness and respect takes some doing.

Perhaps the key and biggest challenge in the whole chapter is found in verse 15 where Peter instructs his readers to set apart Christ as Lord in their hearts. When we do this it will effect all aspects of our life.


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