Friday, November 11, 2005

Prayer Patrol in Bristol

On the ITV news tonight there was a feature on a road in Bristol which has won the dubious reputation of being the worst street for crime in the country. ITV sent one of their news team to live there for 4 days so that they could get an idea of what life was like in that area.

By 11am in the morning the prostitutes are out looking for clients so that they might fund their drug habits. One of them was interviewed by ITV and she said that she was 33 years old and had been hooked on heroin for 18 years. She admitted that her life was in a sad state but was powerless to do anything about it. It was sad listening to her speaking and to see her life being destroyed by drugs.

One of the local residents took the ITV man to a local park and the place was full of heroin needles. Parents refuse to let their children play in this park.

However, in this area with so many problems and much apparent misery a brave group of people are taking to the streets. They are the Prayer Patrol. The Prayer Patrol are a group of brave Christians who are walking the streets and using the power of prayer to bring change to the area. Here are some pictures of them at work.

Don't forget to pray for these brave Christians who are out there on the front line trying to influence the area for Christ. Here is an interview with the leader Rev Dawnecia Palmer


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